I didn't think I would ever quote Jim Carrey, but in his recent commencement address at a University in Iowa, he said something so profound that it struck a chord.
“You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”
When I was 23 I had a relatively well paid job in London, a nice apartment, car, a great social scene with friends and family around me, and I was about to buy my first apartment....So I decided to chuck it all in and move halfway across the globe to be a language teacher in Shanghai.
When asked why I did it I simply said I wanted to try something new, but really I had no idea. All I knew was that it would be a challenge and I was scared shitless. However, I remembered 50 years before, and although through different circumstances, my father made the exact same move in the opposite direction, so I was comforted to know if my Dad could do it, surely I could too. No I wasn't brave, yes I was naive, but I remember it took me a moment to decide, and I never looked back.
Collect Moments/Not Things.
Whenever we consider taking on a new project, or venture, or want to put ourselves out there, (even writing a linkedin post) we feel fear. Fear is natural, and is to be expected. It's our body's way of letting us know we are moving out of our comfort zone. Fear can alert us to possible threats and dangers. Fear can warn you and enable you to be more aware and cautious, but need not stop you progressing. If you want to move forward on the journey towards where you want to be, you will have to confront your fears. Unfortunately many people allow fear to stop them, and don't achieve their goals and aspirations.
In true Cinematic style, and to put it more melodramatic, Yoda says it best...
"Fear is the path to the dark side, Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering"...
Fear does not feel comfortable, and many people want to avoid it at all costs. Everyone experiences fear. People who want to be successful feel the fear and do it anyway. Fear is part of the package. Yes, there is always a risk of failure, but that needs to balanced with the old adage "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained".
Pushing through to leave your comfort zone is hard work. The good news is that once we have faced our fears and done it anyway, we have moved forward to a new place. Every time we push through and live out of our comfort zone we will never be the same.
However there is also the possibility that once we have pushed through our comfort zone into a new place of growth, we rest too long there, and we create a different comfort zone, and so we repeat again the need to drive to new accomplishments; to write a book, to run a marathon, to step into a boxing ring, to become a father, to jump out of a plane...
I end as I begin with Jim Carrey.
"You will only have two choices; Love or Fear. Choose Love. Don't ever let fear turn against your playful heart."
For more about my executive coaching, I’m currently offering a free 45-minute consultation, which can be booked here